Name of applicant*DrMsMissMrsMr * Please upload your curriculm vitae* E-Mail Address* Phone number (including international Country Calling Codes)* Which year are you applying for?*20262028 Is the application on behalf of any local or national organization?*NoYes City and country where the meeting is to be held.* Suggested dates of meeting* Are these dates coinciding with any major local/national/international meeting attracting colorectal surgeons?* If the meeting is not going to be located in a major city inform about access routes.* Will the meeeting be sponsored by any university/medical school? (If Yes - endorsement should accompany this form)*NoYes Endorsement Form (see above)* What other support is offered by scientific or governmental authorities?* Do you have well organized supporting group which can devote enough time for the organization of the meeting? Please detail. Detail the possibilities to finance the meeting (including availability of resources to promote a meeting). Name of suggested hotel/hotels. Room prices (single/double). Complimentary guest rooms/meeting rooms/refreshments. If meeting is going to be held at convention center, please detail facilities and distance from hotel and available transportation. Describe suggested social program. Do you accept that ISUCRS will not give financial assistance?*NoYes Do you accept to work for financial gain from the meeting and that any surplus is given to ISUCRS?*NoYes PLEASE NOTE A MINIMUM OF $30000 IS EXPECTED TO BE CONTRIBUTED TO ISUCRS AFTER THE CONFERENCE Do you accept to organize and submit a scientific program and do you accept that the final decisions are made by ISUCRS program committee?*NoYes Date* Input this code: Silver Sponsors